Why RobinCode? | RobinCode.org



At RobinCode, our goal is to raise a generation who know algorithmic way of thinking, who are equipped with the requirements of the digital age, and who do not only use technology but also produce the technology. Therefore, we help children of age 5-16 to learn essentials of programming, cyber security and techno entrepreneurship by our own education system and by using programming, 3D printing, and robotics as a tool.


It is RobinCode’s greatest aim to bring a solution to the inequality of opportunity in education and the society at least in the informatics area, and this is our biggest difference from the other existing initiatives in our field. For every paid education we provide to an economically advantaged child, the same education is provided to a disadvantaged child for free. So similar to the heroic outlaw Robinhood, RobinCode offers computer science education to disadvantaged children through advantaged children.


In addition, we partner with corporate companies and educate both advantaged and disadvantaged children as part of their corporate social responsibility projects. These events either take place in corporate offices or innovation centers where company employees volunteer as role models for the children. Some of our previous project partners are Google, General Electric, Oracle, Microsoft and IBM.


Until today, RobinCode provided technology and programming education to more than 3500 kids. Due to our rapid success we became Global Partner and Turkey Chapter of Code.org. Furthermore, we are the first social initiative got approved from Cisco Networking Academy, and we are now a Cisco Networking Academy and Academy Support Center. We are also Global Partner of Oracle Academy and a member of Google for Non-profits. Our other supporters are IBM, Microsoft, PayPal, GE, Zorlu Holding, Turkish Ministry of National Education, Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Policies, Turkish Private Schools Association, Pendik Municipality, and some universities and incubators.


Moreover, our team is growing so fast. Our team includes informatics and instructional technology teachers, computer scientists, primary and secondary school teachers, robot designers, communication specialists, pedagogues, IT law experts, and project management specialists.


Our vision is to make a difference in educational software for children. For this purpose, we started R&D activities for educational software development. In addition, we are planning to open innovation centers for children dedicated to teaching computer science and programming along with STEAM education.
